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API: importLocations
Bryan Nye avatar
Written by Bryan Nye
Updated over a week ago

To upload locations in bulk, use the MetaLocator.importLocations API method.


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Username (String) : Your MetaLocator Username
Password (String) : Your MetaLocator Password
Struct (String): A structure representing the CSV rows as described below.

The Struct for import follows the same rules as the CSV import system.

Each API call can only have a total of 201 members within this parameter.  To upload more than 200 locations, call this method in succession with another set of 200 locations.  The "header" value must be provided with each call.  Also note that the member/name content must contain a unique row label, e.g row1, row2 as shown in the below example.

         <string>Sample Location 1,,1,2301 MetaLocator Way,,Denver,Colorado,80205,303-325-5912,,United States,,,en-US,,,,,</string>
         <string>Sample Location 2,,1,2301 MetaLocator Way,,Denver,Colorado,80205,303-325-5912,,United States,,,en-US,,,,,</string>
         <string>Sample Location N,,1,2301 MetaLocator Way,,Denver,Colorado,80205,303-325-5912,,United States,,,en-US,,,,,</string>
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