When you create a new Interface, you start with a template. A template is a collection of Interface Settings which control how the Interface looks and behaves.
MetaLocator provides series of templates to all customers. These are available when clicking Interfaces > New as shown below. Click Select to create an Interface in your account based on that template.
Custom Interface Templates
Some customers may see a custom template in this list as shown below.
These custom templates are typically the result of MetaLocator staff creating a template as part of Concierge Service or Enterprise on-boarding. These are special templates that are typically built to your specification and are available to modify in your account. Interface Templates are not typically installed on a website directly. Instead, a new Interface is created from the template, and that resulting Interface is installed. They are indicated as shown with the yellow Edit button:
The Interface Template controls the settings used in any Interfaces created from it. The Interface Template serves only as a starting point. Modifications to the Template do not affect Interfaces created from the Template. Interfaces created from the Template are copies created at the time the Interface is created. Those new Interfaces can be further customized to adapt to the new application.
Template Settings Inheritance
Some Interface settings in a template can be locked and unlocked as shown below:
When a setting is locked, any interfaces created from this template will not be able to edit the setting. As shown below, notice Primary Color can not be changed in the Interface derived from the template shown above.
This helps our customers enforce standards regarding their interfaces.
Cascading Updates
When Template settings are locked, and the template is saved, the locked setting value is then applied to any Interfaces that inherit from the template. This allows for centralized management of certain settings.
Creating a New Interface Template
If you have created a template that you would like to mark for re-use as an Interface Template within your organization, select the interface using the checkbox and click "Set as Template" as shown below.