Country Dropdowns in MetaLocator are created using the data provided through imports and manual entry. When compiling a country dropdown MetaLocator first looks for TLD fields and selects the first value in an alphabetical order to be used as the name for that country. This can cause issues when the ideal value for example is "United States" but a different records states "USA". USA will be chosen for the default value and will be used to search records country fields sometimes excluding all records where the Country field equals "United States".
To solve this data error first navigate to the Data Quality Dashboard in your account and towards the bottom will be a list of Inconsistent Country Names if any exist:
Selecting a value that is unwanted will search all records for Country = value (e.g. USA). The next step is to Create a Selection of the USA values and use the Bulk Action Menu to select Set Field Value.
Lastly change the field value to "Country (text)" and type in the corrected country name (e.g. United States). Don't forget to save!
These steps can be completed until each TLD is associated with one ideal country value. This helps improve data quality and the performance of your country dropdowns in your interfaces.