Create a new Agency account at
Provide our organization's public-facing name. E.g. "Agency Inc"
Provide a primary contact email for the account owner. Other users can be invited once the account is created.
Choose a secure password.
Add a Payment Method
Click Add Payment Method on the left navigation. All Client charges will be billed to this payment method.
Invite Team Members
Click the User Icon in the upper right toolbar and choose Invite Agency Users.
Provide a name and email address and optional invitation message.
Brand and configure your Agency account
Click the User Icon in the upper right toolbar and choose Agency Settings.
Provide your organization's full legal name
Provide your organization's URL
Optionally provide a hostname for use in the vanity URL e.g.
Provide an email address for support requests.
Optionally provide a link for your Help Desk, if available
Upload a PNG logo for use in the upper left of the MetaLocator control panel
Follow these steps to configure your Agency account

Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over a week ago