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The Description field
The Description field
Bryan Nye avatar
Written by Bryan Nye
Updated over a week ago

Many users often look to MetaLocator's custom fields for including items like Store Hours or Fax Number or pictures.  However, the description field can display those items and more.  The description field is found while editing your locations, and includes a full WYSIWYG HTML editor, as shown here:

One special feature of the description field includes how it can be "split" into 3 fields, using a separator.  Often times, you'll find that a short "blurb" or "intro" to your full location details might be useful within, for example, the map popup.  However, you don't want to inundate the user with a multi-paragraph narrative in that small space.  Notice the "Read More" button in the toolbar of the editor window.  This separator allows you to choose exactly where the "blurb" stops and the full text of the description begins.  Place your mouse where you would like that separation to occur, and click "Read More".  That red line visually indicates where your intro and the rest of the text is delineated.

The description field can now be included as

Intro Text - The text before the "read more"

Body Text - The text after the "read more"

Full Text - The full text of the field. The separator will not be visible.

Choose the desired output as shown in the Interface Builder's options for the Description Field, shown here under Results > List.

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