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Customizing the Search Form

Add and remove fields to the search, control labels and required fields

Michael Fatica avatar
Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over a year ago

In the Interface Builder, the first group of options is dedicated to customizing the search form.

The search form is a series of controls presented to your users to allow them to search and filter results. The default options may vary based on the template chosen, but most include Location, Category and a submit button.

To add fields to the search form, click the Add Field button shown below:

The resulting window allows you to choose which field to add. For example, to add a keyword search to the form, choose Keyword from the Special Fields tab.

Once the field is added, it can be dragged and dropped up and down the list in order to control the display order.

Each field has various options to control its display and behavior. Click the caret icon to expand the settings. The settings vary based on the type of control.

Fields can be added to a container, in most cases Basic and Advanced. If a field is added to the Advanced container a filter icon appears in the search. Clicking that icon expands a section for "Advanced" search options. This allows you to create complex search forms without having to display all options.

To remove a field from the Search form, position your mouse over the option and click the Trash icon.

Category Search

For more information on category logic click here.

Category search now supports Autocomplete as shown below. User search text can match all category attributes including the category description, allowing for keywords which match synonyms or related terms which in turn helps suggest related terms in a predictive manner.

Custom Field Search

Custom, user created fields can be used to create search form options. As described above, add the field to the search form under Search Form > Add Field and navigate to the User Fields tab. The below shows the addition of a user field called "Favorite Color"

In this example, the Favorite Color custom field settings have been updated to include a Label and Tooltip. The settings also indicate that more than one value may be chosen by the user as indicated by Multiselect.

The Display Type indicates what sort of control is displayed in the search form, a drop-down list, a series of checkboxes or a text field. The drop-down list is the default, and the Data Source of the values from the drop-down list can either be from the field settings as shown below, the distinct values found in the data or the interface settings.

If the values should not be from the data, they can be specified in the field settings as comma-separated values as shown below:

With the Data Source set to Field Settings, and the field settings for the Favorite Color field as above, notice the drop-down now contains the values from the List Values setting:

Field settings also affect how the control is represented to Administrator users in the Location Edit Form.

When the Data Source is set to Interface Settings, the values are derived from the Comma-separated List of Options setting as shown.

For text field display, a plain text input allows for keyword search which is limited to searching only the custom field, as opposed to the keyword form which searches all data.

Search Logic for Custom Fields

In the case of multi-select drop-downs or checkboxes, the below option controls if the user's chosen values are logically combined with "OR" or "AND" during search. To change this setting, you must save the interface to see the effect.

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