This release included updates to the Data Quality Dashboard to align formatting and introduce data validity in addition to present/not present.
Added the new record actions menu for easier delete, edit actions per record.
Added the ability to preserve record categories that are not available to crowdsourcing users. (ML-546)
Added support for gallery indicators (ML-544)
Added support for front-end export (#370)
Added support for reference to other variables in import transformations (ML-352)
Various updates to remove Google assets for users in China (#375)
FIX: Added pill button margins and focus rings for proper display in horizontal and vertical orientations (#388)
FIX: Dynamically updating the radius unit drop-down when the distance unit control is present (ML-494)
FIX: Custom fields are not selected in drop-down displays in the Crowdsourcing form. (ML-545)
FIX: Group administrators were unable to export fields marked as available to "All Groups" (ML-549)
FIX: Now hiding the category label when no categories for a given record. (ML-499)
Improved error messages in SFTP connections

Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over a year ago