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Categories display options in results
Categories display options in results

Categories can be used to display products, services and images in the results

Michael Fatica avatar
Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over 11 months ago

MetaLocator uses categories to create search options, control prioritization and even to filter data between interfaces. Categories can also be used in the results to display the amenities, products, services or certification levels of a given result.

This article focuses on the use of Categories in the results display. For information on importing, grouping or otherwise configuring Categories, read more here.


In the example images below, each red arrow shows an example of how Categories can be used to display result attributes. Click the image to go to a live example.

As indicated in the above examples, categories can be used in many ways to convey the services, specialties, amenities and other attributes of a location.

It is important to show these result-specific attributes to help your user choose between specific results.

Category Icons

Categories can have icons associated with them as in the 2nd example above. To associate icons with a specific category, go to Locations > Categories and click the name of the category. Click the "Icon Class" and then choose from the list of icons.

Within the Interface, under Results > Edit List, add the Category List field if it is not already present:

Expand the options of the Category List field to control how the categories display. Each Field Template will represent the categories a bit differently.

Another example:

Category Images

Categories can also have images associated with them as in the 3rd example above. To associate images with a specific category, go to Locations > Categories and click the name of the category. Click the Category Options tab, and then upload a Category Image. In this example, we'll upload a MetaLocator logo to our Distributors category.

Within the Interface, under Results > Edit List, add the Category List field if it is not already present:

Expand the options of the Category List field to control how the categories display. Each Field Template will represent the categories a bit differently.

Notice in the above example the image appears for the first result, because it is in the category for which an image was provided.

More information on using category images in the search form can be found here.

Category Groups

Using category groups to collect common categories into groups for products, services, amenities and specializations is an important concept exemplified in Example 1 above. The languages and specializations are examples of Category Groups.

In the results card, when the Category List is added to the Results > List, it can be filtered by category group. It can also be added to the results card multiple times, allowing you to display different groups differently. E.g. amenities might be shown with an icon, while products might be shown with images.

Notice the Category List used to display Specialties is filtered to only show Categories in the Specialties group as shown below:

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