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Finding the Territory Values for a Particular Search
Finding the Territory Values for a Particular Search

Using the Geocoding Test Tool to find City Territory value and adding it to a record.

Brenda Bedward avatar
Written by Brenda Bedward
Updated over 5 months ago

This article is a step by step guide to find the Region, State, or City Territory that is required for a result to show under a certain search use the Geocoding Test Tool.

Important Note: It is recommended to use County and Postal Territories instead of City Territories as they reduce complexity and need for multiple spellings for the same territory in the field.

This is especially important for locators that have the Territory Only setting enabled for their locator as certain searches can be returned as No Results even though there is a very similar spelling in the data. (in this example the data has "Mount-Royal,QC" but the geocoder is looking for "Mount Royal,QC")

1. Find the City Territory for the Search

The Geocoding Test Tool can be found under the wrench Icon in your account.

Type the search into the Address and TLD fields and select GO

For this example the Address is "Mount-Royal, QC" and the TLD is CA for Canada.

In this view you will see Admin levels, Locality and postal code geolocation for this search.

State Territories are located under Types: "Administrative area level 1"

County Territories are located under Types: "Administrative area level 2"

City Territories are located under Types: "Locality"

For this example the city output is "Mont Royal" and to populate this as a city territory it would be formatted as "Mount Royal,QC" per the instructions in this support article:

2. Identify Location to Add Territory

Preform the original search on the front end and observe what is returning. In this case there is a no results message so we look to the data.

Export the data and search the territory city field for the city territory found above "Mount Royal,QC"

Again there are no results match for that City Territory which is why it is appearing blank on the locator.

For this example "Airtechni Inc" has "Mount-Royal,QC" as a City Territory. To solve for this search "Mount Royal,QC" needs to be added to the locations City Territory field.

3. Add City Territory To Record

Navigate into the All Records in the account and search for "Airtechni Inc" and select the location name to edit.

Under the Custom Fields Tab > Territory City add the territory and save.

In an incognito tab or after clearing your browsers cache navigate back to the site

Preform the original search Location = "Mount-Royal, QC" Country = "Canada"

You will now see the location added for that City Territory:

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