Added SEF urls to all new interfaces by default.
Added support for mltables in Taglist tags ({taglistwithdescription mltable="events"} for example.)
Added tables feature and support to all new users.
Removed SEO from onboarding wizard
Opening SEF detail pages in new (top) window
Added support for Nearby Locations in the Item Detail Template {nearestlocations limit="3"}
Fixed issue with modal appearing out of view on tall pages.
Added related item dynamic templates
Fixed performance issue with LazyLoader calling query twice. (closest_to_ip_location)
Added support for dynamic prompts in grouped categories, LOCATOR_SELECT_CATEGORY_GROUP_,LOCATOR_SELECT_CATEGORY, then LOCATOR_SELECT
Added support for bidirectional related fields (doctors at locations, locations for doctors)
Removed query cache during debug sessions
Set {name}_{city}_{state}_{country}_{id}.html static_filename_template
Updated chooser to allow table selection on import
Added support for multi-dimensional data import in a single file.
Updated detail page link logic to handle SEF pages.
Updated CDN for CSS etc.
Fixed issue with marker selection for LLPs
Made entire directory entry clickable in Lazy Loader
Updated radius to integers and lat/lng to reasonable accuracy to assist cache hit rate
Disabled scroll wheel during modal input blocker
Fixed option to disable scroll wheel
Re-enabled cache on the Ajax lazy loader
Updated new account groups to use configuration variables
Switched Recent documentation updates to HTTPs
Added tab control to toggle map and list in collapsed view
Fixed issue with far-zoomed out map
Allowed inherit of geo fields from related location records
Increased Streetview Field of View

Written by Bryan Nye
Updated over 7 years ago