Fixed issue with closetab using statics in CLI context bleeding across page generation tasks.
Added iframe.allow = geolocation for Chrome update.
Added check for use_geo_state/use_geo_city in HasSearch. Fixed bug for AL+AL in use_geo_state/use_geo_city search
Fixed menu pagination bug
Fixed overall pagination closing DIV issue
Added enable_subquery_opt_mask option
Updated look of 30 day trial notice and trial expired notice
Updated Retailer responsive behavior to collapse lower priority columns on smaller screens.
Fix for determineDropDirection creating odd behavior in Firefox
SCHEMA: Added tagmasksum and tagmask
Added sidebar collapse and submenu handling.
Added alert and failover for doNotTrack/broken intercom
Added jos_products_history to track offboarding timeline
Updated retailer tab on product table to display UX similar to Retailer > Offers. Allowing unpublish and mgmt directly from product screen.
Fixed a mltable redirects in bulk actions (User and Category)
Added SID to local call and SMS records
Added "TYPE" to Sends table to allow mgmt of IVR and SMS.
Updated multi-table import flow to include datatype=product avoiding uneccessary warnings during impoort
Added Force Enqueue for groupsearchterm onboarding as "Trigger Onboarding"
Fixed bug in failing to change Published status of retailer product during save operation.
Hid empty analytics tab for Products edit form.
Fix for double quotes around the product name for walmart
ProductOffboarding: Walmart
ProductOffboarding: BestBuy
ProductOffboarding: Amazon
Fixed image trimming for Retailer jobs.
Fixed cache not expiring on Interface save (Configuration of AMI Candidate)
Fixed issue not changing username (Configuration of Master Server)

Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over 7 years ago