Fixed an issue where cache would not clear after saving an interface
Fixed an issue where i8N would not work for the distance unit when {radius} tag was used without a {zipform} tag
Added WYSIWYG editor to display lead content for easier reading in the control panel.
Updated the quota management screen to display page views and last month's page views.
Updated security filters on the location save form
Improved background geocoder performance for Enterprise clients
Fix for duplicating-a-duplicate Interface creating a too-long internal name
Fix that allows retailer products that only change protocol (E.g. http -> https) to be recognized as identical.
Added automatic spider state control with retailer state. E.g. if you publish a retailer, the spider starts automatically and vice-versa.
Updated product display to indicate color warnings when a product is approaching offboarding candidacy
Updated product offboarding display to indicate when the offboarding system unpublished a product
Fix for Amazon API integration to update products even when Amazon API stops returning those products from a given API search.
Updated retailer product history chart colorization to align with theme
Added email notifications for product offboarding when resulting in a retailer offline or product offline.
Now only showing 20 most recent user notes instead of 100
Changes to MetaLocator included in the August 5 release

Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over 6 years ago