The most recent release included many bug fixes, performance improvements and new
features. Those are summarized below:
Added an option to display Average Response Time in the locator results.
Added an option to display Travel Time in the locator results.
Updated the Data Quality Dashboard to report invalid links and emails instead of just set and unset.
Added support for Styles in the Radius and Keyword search form options
Added an option for Group Administrators to see analytics widgets with a summary of all interfaces available to the Group by default.
Added a bulk import feature for import mapping rules
Added a data health monitor for customers using our Where to Buy solution
Added support for wildcards in the import mapping
Readied MetaLocator for updates to Matomo API calls
Fixed an issue where the iFrame resizer would run away creating infinite height
Fixed an issue where multi-word CTAs in emails would sometimes cause the button to wrap
Fixed an issue where visitors behind proxies hosted in countries other than their physical location had disparate GEOIP detection causing no results (China)
Fixed an issue where users were able to edit CSS in a locked interface template if they expanded the CSS editor.
Fixed an issue where HTML entities were shown encoded in the Thank you email subject
Updated French Corsica for 2A territory handling
Fixed an issue where autocomplete would show an error message when Google API was set, and no Base TLD was set.