Introduced a sparkline graph showing Page Views under each interface. This allows users to quickly identify interfaces not in use and reflects activity at a glance.
The analytics dashboard has been updated to show lead activity and important basic measures.
The analytics dashboard has been given a date range and interface filter.
Access to the analytics dashboard has been extended to Group Administrators.
The "redirect to first link" feature has been added to the Interface Builder
Lead Thank You emails have been enabled, triggering an email to the lead to serve as a "thank you" notification that we have received the lead and it is in process.
Lead Acknowledgment users can now trigger delivery of the full lead upon acknowledgement.
We addressed an issue where the Interface Builder was not respecting the Category Group order when the system was set to display multiple category drop-downs or display category groups in the search form. Previously they appeared according to their incidence in the category order.
Addressed an issue where the markup for the Image field would still use height in the directory even if the image was not provided.
Enabled recurring imports for Google My Business.
Updates in release 7454

Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over a year ago