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Updates included in the 6/18/2024 Release
Updates included in the 6/18/2024 Release
Michael Fatica avatar
Written by Michael Fatica
Updated over 9 months ago
  • ML-1007: This update adds an option to put a distance limit on prioritization. This helps our customers avoid situations where a large or "Nearest" search radius pulls in a location from far away due to prioritization. Documentation here.

  • ML-915: We now support Ratings.MD as a native data source for our healthcare clients.

  • ML-677: Automatically applying Bootstrap Flexbox CSS classes to the outermost field container to allow users to specify "d-flex flex-row" and similar classes in the Field Styles input.

  • ML-987: Now automatically mapping user column matches in the import column mapping screen that are an exact match when they also match a system field.

  • ML-973: Now delivering an email notification to the administrative users if Google Drive or GMB tokens expire, v.s. just the in-app notification.

  • ML-1001: This fixes an issue in our Table Layouts that caused styling to be disrupted on pages greater than one.

  • ML-1016: Added an "Are you sure?" prompt when deleting users and Interfaces.

  • ML-991: Fixed an issue where users could not disable "Auto-fill" when the Country field was present in the search form.

  • ML-1023: Fixed an issue where users could change field types for core fields in the Field Manager.

  • ML-940: Fixed an issue where the pagination would briefly display empty during loading.

  • Other fixes & updates

    • Fixed the column creation count on the import mapping screen

    • Now including neighborhood when geocoding where available

    • Added fixes for spiderfy for very close markers and over 10 with the exact same location.

    • Fixes for the location editor map style sometimes displaying blank

    • Aligned the format of the Lead Export in the job and console export.

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